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Download Windows 8 Build 7955 Milestone 2 x86 | 2.47 GB | Mediafire Link Download | Coool!!

Posted by samcro on Monday, August 1, 2011

Download Windows 8 Build 7955 Milestone 2 x86 | 2.47 GB

Windows 8 Build 7955 Milestone 2 x86 | 2.47 GB

File name: 6.2.7955.0.fbl_sev_w dacxml.110228-1930_x86fre_client-ultimate.iso
Size: 2.47GB (2,657,079,296 bytes)
MD5: 40861A02CB14B0D2D793 0910DB6CC6E4
Screen Shoot :

Download Via Mediafire :

Pass MF : MitXiToRang Or http://share10s.com

Download Uniblue PowerSuite 2011 Final | 12 MB | Utitlities Power Full Buat PC

Posted by samcro

Download Uniblue PowerSuite 2011 Final | 12 MB

  Uniblue PowerSuite 2011 Final | 12 MB

Alhamdulillah akhirnya hari ini admin bisa update blog lagi. Sebelumnya saya mohon maaf kepada sobat-sobat  kalau beberapa hari ini ini gak pernah update blog dikarenakan selain lagi menyusun skripsi juga baru dapat job-job lelang lumayan gede, hehe...

Dahulu sekali saya sudah pernah share software Uniblue PowerSuite 2010 full version. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan mencoba share kembali versi terbarunya dari PowerSuite, yakni Uniblue PowerSuite 2011 Final.

Tau donk fungsi software ini? Yups benar, fungsi software ini adalah untuk menjaga kinerja PC/notebook sobat.

Apa saja yang baru dalam versi ini?
27th July 2011 (PowerSuite 2011 version

Updated Versions of
Improved Installer functionality
Third-party software compatibility improvements
Activation Improvements
Improved uninstall functionality

Recommended system requirements:

Intel Pentium 4 1GHz or Equivalent
750MB free hard disk space
Windows XP / Vista / 7
Internet Explorer 7
Graphics mode 1024x768 true color (highest 32-bit)
Active Internet Connection

-Download Disini

Password Mediafire: zainshare

BurnAware Professional 3.4 + Crack Full Versi | Software Pembakar CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, bootable CD dan DVD discs Professional

Posted by samcro

BurnAware Professional 3.4 + Crack Full Versi

Pada kesempatan ini saya share aplikasi untuk sobat bloger dan agan sekalian tool untuk memburning CD atau DVD milik kita. Software ini kita bisa mem-burning data disc (CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, bootable CD dan DVD discs). Selain itu Burn Aware Pro juga bisa membuat dan mem-burning ISO images (ISO and CUE/BIN image files supported), meng-exstract file tertentu dari sesi disk dan lagu dari CD Audio.

Features :

BurnAware Professional is a powerful CD, DVD and BD disc burning solution intended for users who need maximum control over every aspect of the burning process and use multiple burners for mass-production of various discs and quick creation of disc-to-disc copies.

The program enables users to create data discs (CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, bootable CD and DVD discs) and discs with multimedia content (Audio CD, MP3 discs and DVD video discs). Apart from this, BurnAware Pro will help you create and burn ISO images (ISO and CUE/BIN image files supported), erase rewritable discs, burn multisession discs and even extract specific files from disc sessions and tracks from Audio CDs. A simple and intuitive interface of the program will make even novices feel comfortable with the program features.

The software supports the most popular Windows versions, including NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 (32 and 64-bit) and does not require the .NET framework to operate.
  • BurnAware Professional Main Window
  • BurnAware Professional Blu-ray Disc
  • BurnAware Professional Multiburn


  • Back up or copy your files to CD, DVD or Blu-ray Discs.
    Supports CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, BD-R/RE and DVD-RAM media, including high-capacity double-layer media.
    Supports UDF (Universal Disc Format 1.02-2.60), Bridge and the ISO9660 file system, including Joliet Unicode extensions.
  • Create a bootable CD or DVD. Use it as a very big floppy boot disc for recovery purposes.
    El Torito creation support with advanced options: emulation type, sectors, platform, load segment and boot message.
  • Append multisession discs. Discs can be used for sequential recording, as the new data will co-exist perfectly alongside previously recorded data.
    Any session import support.
    Supports multisession for DVD-RW/+RW.


  • Create Audio CDs. Play a CD on your traditional CD player or car stereo.
    Supports MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG, M4A, AAC and FLAC audio formats and M3U playlists.
    Supports title and track CD-Text, including Unicode.
    On-the-fly writing support with Track-at-once and Disc-at-once recording modes.
  • Create MP3 CDs and DVDs.
    Supports MP3 and WMA audio formats.
  • Create DVD-Video. Play these DVDs using your standard DVD player, PlayStation or Xbox.
    Supports DVD padding.

Disc Images

  • Burn disc images. Create a CD, DVD or Blu-ray disc from a disc image file.
    Supports ISO and CUE/BIN image files.
  • Make standard or boot ISOs. Back up or copy your files to an ISO image file.
    Supports different file systems and ISO levels.
  • Copy disc to ISO image. This feature can be used for disc backup, as well as for disc copying.


  • Multiburn. Write ISO image files to multiple recorders simultaneously.
  • Copy CD, DVD or Blu-ray Discs. Make exact copies of your DVD-Video, Audio CD or standard Data discs.
  • Recover files. Extract files from different sessions, corrupted discs or extract audio tracks from Audio CDs.
  • Erase re-writable CD, DVD or Blu-ray discs.
    Supports quick and complete erase methods.

     Download BurnAware Professional 3.4 + Crack Full Versi

Ebook Rahasia Sukses Menghasilkan Uang Dengan Google Adsense

Posted by samcro

Ebook Rahasia Sukses Menghasilkan Uang Dengan Google Adsense

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