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Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2012 - Full Keygen | Mediafire Link

Posted by samcro on Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2012 - Full Keygen

Autodesk 3DS Max Design 2012 Full Version with Keygen adalah sebuah software yang berguna untuk mendesain gambar baik itu 2D maupun 3D dengan ukuran dan perspektif yang tepat. Autodesk 3DS Max Design 2012 Full Version with Keygen ini banyak digunakan oleh para arsitektur, teknik sipil, dan desainer. Ya pokoknya begitu lah fungsinya. Hehe. Cekidot.
Screenshot :
Download :
System Requirements :
  • Intel Pentium 4 1.4 GHz or equivalent AMD processor with SSE2 technology or Higher
  • 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
  • 2 GB swap space (4 GB recommended)
  • 3 GB free hard drive space
  • Direct3D 10 technology, Direct3D 9, or OpenGL-capable graphics card (256 MB or higher video card memory, 1 GB or higher recommended)
Info :
  1. Gabungkan file dengan HJSPLIT
  2. Ekstrak file .ISO dengan POWERISO
  3. Install dan Aktivasi sesuai petunjuk tutorial
  4. Status Link : TESTED - 100% WORKING
Tested By Me @Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bit (Laptop temen). Hehehehe.
Semoga Bermanfaat

Menambahkan Author Box di Bawah Postingan

Posted by samcro

Menambahkan Author Box di Bawah Postingan

Menambahkan Author Box di Bawah Postingan
Siapa seh yang menulis tulisan ini? Untuk itu kita bisa menambahkan Author Box, yaitu profil singkat si penulis blog beserta photonya. Author box itu bisa menampilkan biografi singkat diri kita dan juga mungkin bisa menambahkan kontak kita. Dengan menambahkan author box di bawah komentar akan membuat tulisan kita itu jelas. Selain itu bisa juga untuk membangun personal branding.

Cara Menambahkan Author Box di Bawah Postingan
1. Login ke Blogger.
2. Di halaman Dasbor, kita pilih Rancangan.
3. Kemudian pilih Edit HTML
4. Beri tanda centang pada Expand Template Widget
5. Cari kode ]]></b:skin> dan taruh kode berikut di atasnya;

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7. Sebelum menyimpan, ganti URL dengan URL photo kita, dan tulis sekilas tentang diri kita. Dan juga bisa menganti judul about author. Dan juga mengubah kode css yang disesuaikan dengan tampilan blog kita.
8. Simpan jika sudah selesai.


Posted by samcro


In the role of a soldier, alone in a devastated urban jungle, players use the super-human abilities provided by a technologically advanced suit to save the world from alien invaders, as they battle through the first-person shooter sequel, Crysis 2. As in the first game, the hero's most important weapon is a high-tech suit that integrates with his body to provide increased defense, enhanced stealth, and various offensive capabilities. The sequel's enemy aliens employ improved situational intelligence and group tactics, calling on players to approach each situation strategically and make the most of the array of powers provided by the suit.

Written by science fiction author Richard Morgan, the story takes place in an embattled New York City. The metropolis crumbles under a full-on invasion, as aliens return in force to annihilate humankind. Conventional weapons and warfare fail against the onslaught, leaving Earth's salvation to the wearer of the revolutionary Nanosuit 2. Using the integrated stealth, strength, and special abilities provided by the futuristic armor -- along with a selection of highly destructive weapons -- players embark on dangerous missions to strike at crucial vulnerabilities and sabotage the alien assault.

The game's multiplayer options include "Crash Site," a team-based mode in which players compete for control of resources that appear regularly on the battlefield, and "Team Instant Action," for pick-up-and-play, squad-based deathmatches. Crysis 2 was developed by Crytek, and runs on the German studio's signature "CryEngine" programming platform, designed to produce exceptional graphics on contemporary consoles and home computers. The game can also be played in stereoscopic 3D with

Intense, first-person shooter adventure through a crumbling urban jungle
Revamped Nanosuit 2 endows enhanced strength, stealth, and observational powers
Use super-human abilities and heavy-duty weaponry to foil an alien invasion

system requirements
os: Xp/vista/windows 7
 cpu: Intel core 2 duo with 2ghz, amd athlon 64 x2 2ghz
2 gb ram
 hdd: 9 gb
dvd rom: 8x
gpu: Nvidia 8800gt 512mb ram, ati 3850hd 512mb ram
audio: Directx 9.0c
keyboard, mouse or microsoft xbox360 controller for windows 


Alternative Download klik Disini

Pass :dlgames4free.blogspot.com 

Update : Buat Yang Belum tahu cara ganti bahasa di Game Crysis 2 ini silahkan ikuti Panduan Berikut Ini Dari Kang Bajenx :

Cari di program file/R.G. Catalyst/crysis 2/system.config....buka pake note pad...sys_languages = "english"hapus yang rusia
g_language = english juga hapus yg rusia....semoga bermanfaat

FREE DOWNLOAD GAME Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 (PC/ENG) GRATIS LINK MEDIAFIRE

Posted by samcro

FREE DOWNLOAD GAME Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 (PC/ENG) GRATIS LINK MEDIAFIRE

The year is 2014 and the soldier of the future returns to encounter a new and urgent threat from the newly built wall at the U.S. border with Mexico. The Ghosts are more powerful, with an Integrated Soldier System (IWS) was updated, but they have only 72 hours to assess the threat and prevent the rebels reach the U.S. territory. With a border of 3 thousand kilometers and an enemy that follows no rules, this is a job for the most exclusive elite unit of the U.S. army. This is a job for the Ghosts. New features.

Revolutionary Visual Experience
The original Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter set the visual standard for next-generation consoles, the Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 takes that achievement to a new level. The war zone comes to life as you navigate the streets filled with debris and eliminate enemy hiding in bombed structures. The revolutionary physics and particle systems will show you some of the most intense and realistic explosions, smoke and destruction of environments ever seen in a game. The dynamic lighting and shadows change as the diurnal cycles / night real life, and a climate of constant change requires you to adapt to varying conditions in real time.

New fields of battle
For the first time the Ghosts defend the U.S. territory of an attack across the border, taking the fight to completely new places. The Ghosts fight against enemies in mountainous terrain, arid deserts and even in his hometown in El Paso, Texas. Each environment has its own advantages and challenges, requiring new approaches tactics
System Requirements
Processor: Pentium IV 2 GHz or equivalent Athlon
Processor Speed: 2 GHz
Video Memory: 128 MB DX9.0c w / shader 2.0 compliance (NVIDIA GeForce 6200 / ATI Radeon 9700, 9800, X700 ) 128 MB
Direct3D: Yes
Operating Systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista
Space: 5 GB free disk

Serial No.: HQVX-463P-9F49-PBHJ


Tips cara melacak Private Number HP

Posted by samcro

Tips cara melacak Private Number HP

Anda jengkel kalau setiap kali ada yang menelphone anda tapi nomor handphonenya diprivat (privat number). sekarang saya akan berbagi tips untuk cara mengetahui atau melacak private number handphone.
ikuti langkah berikut ini : 

1) Aktifkan VMB ” Voice Mail Box” kartu anda.Jika Sobat tidak tahu cara mengaktifkan "VMB" silahkan tanya ke Operator selular sobat.Nah saat yg private number nelpon buruan deh anda matikan hape anda maka yg MC akan terhubung ke VMB td.Sabar sebentar Bro beberapa menit kemudian Hidupkan lagi HP Sobat dan tinggal tunggu sms dari server provider kartu HP Sobat yg memberitahukan bahwa anda telah dihubungi.
Catatan : Untuk pelanggan Telkomsel tidak bisa menggunakan private number.
Ada Beberapa Cara untuk Nge-Blok Private Number (Anti Private Number) saya ambil dari Kasus tetengga sebelah dan suda di Coba ternyata berhasil :
No Kartu HP sobat Imigrasi (Kaya Perpindahan penduduk gt Bro).
Contoh Kasus : Kartu XL Jempol imigrasi ke ke XL Bebas (Bukan Ganti Kartu Perdana) Setelah di Coba ternyata no Yang Private Number bisa kelihatan.Silahkan Sobat Cek sendiri dan Share di sini Berhasil apa tidak.(Andaikata Provider XL belum meng-Upgrade Sistem-nya).

2)Jika Sobat menggunakan Jenis HP Motorola rokr e6,..pake aplikasi CALLMANAGER,..apps ini bisa ngeblock private number atau nomer lain yang kita kehendakin,..di sana juga ada pengeturan di mana hp bisa ngirim SMS secara otomatis kepada nomer yg di blok,..dengan sms yang sudah kita setting sebelumnya.Silahkan Searching di Download.com

3)Ada juga aplikasi DATA SAFE,..aplikasi ini,…adalah aplikasi secure phone,..yang mana fungsinya banyak banget di antaranya :

* HP akan secara otomatis mengirim pesan,ke nomer tertentu yg udah kita set,..jika SIM card nya di ganti( misal hape di curi ,bisa di lacak bro,…setiap kurang dari 10 detik HP akan mengirim sms,..yang isinya tentang kegiatan HP tsb,..misal HP tsb udah di pake buat nelpon sapa aja,,dan di telpon sapa aja,..bisa ketahuan
* SMS dari satu sim card tidak akan ketahuan / terbaca,bila HP di masukin sim car lain,..No HP juga lho,…jadi aman kalo misal hape di pinjem temen,..sms kita ama daftar no hape,..gak bakal di isengin ma temen
* Bisa back up seluruh kontak dan sms ke memory card silahkan di coba bagi yg punya hp rokr e6

4) Kalau HP kalian sonyericsson, untuk mem-black list private number cukup pake ‘accept call 0nly fr0m list’ aja. Standarnya all callers. Kalau kontaknya banyak, bikin kontak group dlu aja. Ingat..nom0r baru juga gak bisa telef0n ke kita, spd telf dari wartel dsbnya.

5) Menggunakan Aplikasi Best Blacklist
whitelist dan blacklist. Whitelist menolak panggilan yang nomernya tidak didaftarkan sementara Blacklist menolak nomer yang kamu daftarkan.

Private number?? Tidak masalah, saat dalam mode blacklist kamu bisa menolaknya, dan saat mode whitelist otomatis akan ditolak.Download Disini
Tipe ponsel yang mendukung adalah
LG KS10 (Joy), LG KT610, LG KT615,Nokia 3250, Nokia 5320, Nokia 5500 Sport,Nokia 5700, Nokia 6110 Navigator, Nokia 6120,Nokia 6121, Nokia 6124, Nokia 6210,Nokia 6220, Nokia 6290, Nokia 6650,Nokia E50, Nokia E51, Nokia E60,Nokia E61, Nokia E61i, Nokia E62,Nokia E63, Nokia E65, Nokia E66,Nokia E70, Nokia E71, Nokia E90,Nokia N71, Nokia N73, Nokia N75,Nokia N76, Nokia N77, Nokia N78,Nokia N79, Nokia N80, Nokia N81,Nokia N81 8GB, Nokia N82, Nokia N85,Nokia N91, Nokia N91 8GB, Nokia N92,Nokia N93, Nokia N93i, Nokia N95,Nokia N95 8GB, Nokia N96, Samsung I7710,Samsung Innov8 (i8510), Samsung SGH-G810, Samsung SGH-i400,Samsung SGH-i450, Samsung SGH-i520, Samsung SGH-i550,Samsung SGH-i560, Samsung SGH-i570, Samsung SGH-L870

6) Memanfaatkan situs DiSini 
Informasi yang hanya akan anda peroleh adalah asal kota lokasi berdasarkan kode kota untuk nomor HP saja. 

kunjungi tips dan trik handphone lainya disini
Good luck :))

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